Poem as Wonderland

If the white rabbit was love,

well, that was Alice chasing it

and if not, it was an accident, a slip

and fall down the well.


Rejecting the Cedar


Through yesterday’s meadow


            the bare


stumbling skips


streams over lichen, rocks


            color her heart brown.


White cross, rotting wood


     paint taken to the gray


near worn struggling grass—


she sees your green in her hand.

So-Called House: A Crown of Sevens


He burned the house, a tremble incident.

To live in Contention—all spilled tongues,


To live in contention—all spilled tongues.

He built it, cards, clatter inside her.


He built it, cards, clatter inside her;

Rakes trace her gravel, her ribs and ash—


He burned the house, a tremble incident.

three poems by Kristin Abraham

Deyaa Mounir

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