I’m too tired for all of this

the less said about hell the better

with all its really bad radicals daisy-chained to each other

selling off half their souls for a beer factory tour—

for with the hour so late shouldn’t we have left out the tales

we felt too safe or unfazed, that only rerouted us to this table?

the less he hears about heaven even better

with its legions of angels bedding down in his brain

always leaving it a God-damn mess—

for with the hour so late shouldn’t we shelf all the songs

that leave us half-deaf and feathered, fed-up?

the less I read re: earth that much better

with its dearest of creatures all threadbare, uncared-for,

their bodies best eaten rare or returned to the dirt--

for with the hour so late tell me where is the heat worst,

the threat of the over-earnest, the never letting go?          

Joshua Daniels

Mark DeCarteret has appeared next to Charles Bukowski in a lo-fi fold out, Pope John Paul II in a hi-test collection of Catholic poetry, Billy Collins in an Italian fashion coffee table book, and Mary Oliver in a 3785 page pirated anthology. His sixth book For Lack of a Calling was published by Nixes Mate Books earlier this year.

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